Fish steaks and vegetables in a Thai green curry...
Coriander and coconut make a nice combination together even in the common chutneys where both these are used in raw form. I also like them both cooked together with a few more ingredients to complement the aromatic flavors. Lemon grass and ginger (or Galangal if available) and some Kefir lime leaves make this green curry really very aromatic and well rounded up in wholesome flavors. I often stew chicken or fish in this curry and add a few vegetables to make it a complete meal. A very wintery warm meal at the end of the day. A Thai style green curry/stew is very simple to make.
And the most important feature of my recipes for daily food is that they have to be easy and not so elaborate in execution. So for this recipe you just make a paste, chop some veggies, clean the fish steak if you need to and just stew them all together into a pan. That simple.
Don't tell me you hate cleaning coriander greens and chopping the potatoes and cauliflowers. Delegate some of your work if so. Or get precut vegetables and sorted greens from the supermarket.
fish steaks 2 (200 gm each or more)
cauliflower florets about a dozen
one medium sized potato cubed
to make the green paste...
2 cups chopped coriander greens
2 kefir lime leaves
one fat stalk of Lemon grass
a cup of scraped coconut (or a cup of coconut milk)
2-3 green chillies
2 inch piece of ginger (or Galangal)
salt to taste
Make the above mentioned paste without adding muh water, a smooth paste will be greeat but don't fuss too much about making it creamy smooth.
The simplest thing to do after the paste has been made is to add a cup of water and all the vegetables to a pan, tip in the fish steaks, cover the pan and simmer for about 15 minutes or till the vegetables and fish is cooked.
The curry gets aromatic after cooking for about 15 minutes, adjust salt and serve hot with plain boiled rice or just as it is. Yes, it makes a complete meal in itself. Aromatic, light and so so flavorful.
This light aromatic curry will be a nice accompaniment to rice noodles too. Just something delicate to soak into it. Not bread at all.
Vegetarians can just make it using potato cubes, cauliflower florets and a few paneer cubes. I love it with chicken mince as well.
Any coconut lovers there?
looks delicious!!
ReplyDeletenever heard of fish green curry, must be yum
ReplyDeletelooks so good never thought to combine fish and veg like this like it
ReplyDeleteoh this recipe seems to have been written with the lazy cook in mind : suits me to T :)