
Showing posts from 2016

The Market Place, hosted by Vedic Village Spa Resort in Calcutta | an effort towards natural living for all

amla and curry leaves chutney for immunity and skin health

new winter menu by Chef Veena Arora at The Spice Route, The Imperial New Delhi

sesame almond laddu | mixed seeds and nuts protein snack

wholewheat date walnut tray bake (no sugar added), a rich mildly spiced cake sweetened with dates

black sesame pudding made from scratch | how to make heavy cream from Mother Dairy Premium milk

a chutney to supplement Calcium, Iron and antioxidants | drumstick leaves-kachri-sesame chutney or dip for everyday nourishment

recipe of chickpeas salad in a fresh green pepper salad dressing

2 quick dessert recipes for Diwali | quark cheese mousse with candied berries and lemon- vanilla paneer doughnuts

Stop gifting junk for festivals, care for the planet and gift organic food and ingredients | 11 organic food gifts you can source directly from farmers